Friday, May 8, 2009

28 Reasons

  World Orphan Day 019    First of all, in case anyone was wondering, we have been able to reclaim Jeremy’s email account and also have locked the “fake Jeremy” out of our bank account.  He was apparently having quite a good time spending our money applying for colleges and signing up for online dating services!  Luckily our bank has reimbursed us, so no problem there. 

  On the Kenya front, things here continue to be going well.  We just wrapped up April which africa 043was one of our busiest months.  The kids here do year round schooling and are off in April, August, and December.  So as the youth leaders here this meant a lot of work for April.  We had youth events usually 3-4 times per week.  I now have a new appreciation for my youth group leaders! 

  The Baby Center is doing well.  We have had an increase in Kenyans interested in fostering or adopting.  It is exciting to see africa 057the kids get homes, but at the same time it is really difficult to say goodbye.  Lately a few of our older kids (2-3 years) have left.  I worry about them the most because the Baby Center is all they have ever known.  I am sure they are so overwhelmed first of all to see the outside world and secondly not to be around anyone that they know. 

  We got a new baby last week.  Her name is Jessica.  We   guess she is 3 months old.  She is actually pretty healthy and only slightly emaciated, which is a switch.  I was excited to finally get a girl.   We currently have 21 boys and only 7 girls (including Jessica).  Jessica adoption 017Needless to say, the girls here quickly become very tough having to live with 21 boys.  I’m really enjoying working with the kids here.  I told Jeremy that I definitely have 28 reasons to get up and go to work everyday!  ~Nicole

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